
SSRE membership costs:
CHF 130.- for individual members
CHF 220.- for collective members
CHF 50.- for students

Indidivual members
Individual member receive a digital Newsletter four times a year and also supplementary newsflashes. Three times a year, they are sent a link to the current issue of the Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften (Swiss Journal for Educational Sciences). They benefit from a cost reduction when attending the SSRE Annual Conferences and the conferences of our sister societies ABC-Educ, AECSE, DGfE and ÖFEB.

Collective members
Educational organisations and institutes at universities and teacher training colleges can register as collective members, naming a contact person. Collective membership offers not only the same benefits as individual membership but also the reduced-rate attendance of a second person at SSRE Annual Conferences and the conferences of our sister societies ABC-Educ, AECSE, DGfE and ÖFEB.

Double membership SSRE/SGL
Since 2020, those who are members of both the SSRE and the SGL have been able to benefit from a reduced annual membership fee for both societies. Individual members of the SSRE who are also members of the SGL pay an annual SSRE fee of CHF 100.00, collective members pay CHF 190.00 and students CHF 30.00.